Orthopedic Surgeon in vadodara

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Orthopedic Surgeon in vadodara

VIO standing for Vadodara Institute of "Orthopedic" was started in December 2014 by young enthusiastic couple to bring world class orthopaedic treatment and rehabilitation for the citizens of Vadodara. It’s a single Super-speciality hospital taking care of all the issues related with bone, joints and spine through an advance approach and thus taking care of you in totality. Success of any hospital is dependent on its three pillars – Infrastructure, Doctors and Supporting staff.

Sports medicines

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Sports Medicine

What is sports medicine?

Injuries are very common during any sports activities. Sub-speciality of orthopedic dealing with these kinds of injuries is sports medicine. It deals with prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patient who have suffered injuries during any athletic activities.

Why is sports medicine different?

Sports person are susceptible to very different kind of injuries as compared to those suffered during road traffic or other accidents. The major cause for injuries in sports persons are due to overworking or overloading of certain joints, ligaments, muscles and bones leading to varied strata of complaints. A thorough knowledge of these injures and the bio-mechanics is necessary to treat them.

What are the different kinds of injuries sustained by sports persons?

Vairety of injuries like stress fracture, sprain of muscles or strain of ligaments to complete tear of muscles and ligaments can be sustained which can have serious effect in performance of the sports person.

What is the treatment for sports injuries?

Treatment for these kinds of injuries start with proper understanding of the bio-mechanic and physiology of the injured part. Options varies from physical therapy, rest, orthotics and surgery.

“VIO Hosptial” for all your sports injuries related treatment – Treating any sports injuries requires a team work. With team of doctors specializing in sports injures, we help athletes return to their full potential.

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